Cheet Privacy Policy

Last updated on Nov 20, 2023

Our Commitment To You

At Cheet, your privacy is a top priority. Your privacy is at the core of the way we design and build the services and products you know and love, so that you can fully trust them and focus on building meaningful connections.

We appreciate that you put your trust in us when you provide us with your information and we do not take this lightly.

Our commitment to privacy. We design all of our products and services with your privacy in mind. We involve experts from various fields, including legal, security, engineering, product design and others to make sure that our decisions are taken with the utmost respect for your privacy.

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

We appreciate that you trust us with your information and we intend to always keep that trust. This starts with making sure you understand the information we collect, why we collect it, how it is used and your choices regarding your information. This Policy describes our privacy practices in plain language, keeping legal and technical jargon to a minimum.


MONAPP BILISIM SAN. AND TRADE. LTD. It is a technology company that develops mobile applications and offers innovative and original software solutions that solve technological problems.

Cheet application was developed by MONAPP BILISIM and it is aimed to bring people from different cultures together and make learning a foreign language more fun. In line with this goal, we ask you for some information in the application content to get to know you and your culture.


Onur MH. / Limon SK. / Balcova



2. What Is Our Goal?

We want to bring people from different languages and cultures together and help them learn languages and cultures they don't know. We would like to emphasize that Cheet is not a dating/flirt app, it is a social network and community that tries to bring different cultures together.

Our goal with Cheet is to develop online games that can represent cultures and be played with multiple people. We are excited to offer mini games such as quizzes, word games, and memorizing foreign words with Cheet.

Where This Privacy Policy Applies

This Privacy Policy applies to the websites, applications, events and other services we operate under the Cheet & MONAPP BILISIM brand. For simplicity, we refer to all of these as “our services” in this Privacy Policy. For further clarity, we include links to this Privacy Policy in all applicable services.

4. Information We Collect

In order to maintain our services and ensure your safety, we ask you for certain information that will identify you, such as your name, email address, phone number, and help us distinguish you from fake profiles. This information is sometimes necessary for your security and sometimes to customize our services for you. If you would like more information about what information we collect and how we will use it, we will go into more detail below.

Information you give us

You choose to give us certain information when using our services. This includes:

When you create an account, you will: You provide information about your name, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, gender, and languages you speak. After completing your profile, you can optionally choose photos for your profile and show them on your profile.

If you contact our customer care team, we collect the information you give us during the interaction.

Why do we collect this information?

Name: We collect this information to distinguish your profile from other users, if you do not want to provide your full name you can also specify a "nickname".

E-mail address: We ask you to verify your e-mail address and this e-mail address to prevent forgery and fraud. We do not send e-mails other than important information e-mails such as "I forgot my password".

Phone number: We collect your phone number information to prevent counterfeiting and fraud and to verify your profile. Upon your request, we do not send SMS except for operations such as password reset and account recovery.

Date of Birth: We collect this information to verify your age. Our services generally do not cover children, so your date of birth is important to us.

Gender: It is important for us to create environments where you can talk and chat comfortably while getting to know different cultures. For example, if you think you can chat more easily with people of the same gender, we allow you to select such information when filtering. We generally collect your gender information during registration.

Languages You Know: We collect information about the languages you speak in order to facilitate your interactions with other users, to make suitable suggestions for you and to improve our services accordingly.

Sign in with Google: We offer the "Sign In with Google" service as a different login and registration option. After you log in, we collect your e-mail address information in order to provide you with better service and to prevent fraud and forgery.

Sign in with Apple: We offer the "Sign In with Apple" service as a different login and registration option. After you log in, we encrypt your Apple ID information one-way in order to provide you with better service and to prevent fraud and forgery.

Information generated or automatically collected when you use our services

When you use our services, this generates technical data about which features you’ve used, how you’ve used them and the devices you use to access our services. See below for more details.

Usage information: Using the services generates data about your activity on our services, for instance how you use them (e.g., when you logged in, features you’ve been using, actions taken, information shown to you, referring webpages address and ads that you interacted with) and your interactions with other members (e.g., members you connect and interact with, and when you matched and exchanged messages with them).

Device information: We collect information from and about the device(s) you use to access our services, including hardware and software information such as IP address, device ID and type, apps settings and characteristics, app crashes, advertising IDs (which are randomly generated numbers that you can reset by going into your device’ settings and, in some cases, disable entirely), and identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify a device or browse

Information collected by cookies and similar technologies: We use and may allow others to use cookies and similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, pixels, SDKs) to recognize you and/or your device(s).

Other information with your consent:

Precise geolocation data: If you give us your consent, we can collect your precise geolocation (latitude and longitude) from your device. The collection of your geolocation may occur in the background even when you aren’t using the services if the permission you gave us expressly permits such collection. If you decline permission for us to collect your precise geolocation, we will not collect it, and our services that rely on precise geolocation may not be available to you.

Photos of your choice: You can choose one or more photos to add to your profile. We ask for your permission to access your photo gallery and upload photos. If you give permission and upload photos, your photos will be kept on cheet servers. When you delete your account, it is permanently deleted along with your personal data.

5. How We Use Information

The main reason we use your information is to provide and improve our services. We also use your information to keep you and our community safe and to provide advertising that may be of interest to you. When you delete your account, all your data we have collected will be permanently deleted. Read on for a more detailed explanation, along with practical examples, of the various reasons we use your information.

  • Create and manage your account
  • Allowing you to connect with other people
  • Show members' profiles to each other
  • To develop our special products and services for you
  • Communicating with you about our services
  • Reviewing interactions with customer service teams to improve the quality of our service
  • Detect and prevent fraud and other illegal or unauthorized activities
  • Comply with legal requirements

6. How We Share Information

Since our goal is to bring different cultures together, basic information of the users is shared with each other. Other users can see your basic information such as name, age, interests. Other than these, your personal information will never be shared with any 3rd party software/service/company. Your personal information and photos are processed in Cheet services, and when you delete your account, this data is also permanently deleted. In some cases, we also share some member information with legal authorities.

Sharing with other members

You share information with other members when you voluntarily disclose information on the service (including your public profile). Please be careful with your information and make sure that the content you share is stuff that you’re comfortable being visible.

If someone submits a report involving you (such as a claim you violated our Terms of Use), we may communicate to the reporter actions, if any, we took as a result of their report.

Sharing with law enforcement/as a legal obligation

We may disclose your information if reasonably necessary: (i) to comply with a legal process, such as a court order, subpoena or search warrant, government / law enforcement investigation or other legal requirements; (ii) to assist in the prevention or detection of crime (subject in each case to applicable law); or (iii) to protect the safety of any person.

We may also share information: (i) if disclosure would mitigate our liability in an actual or threatened lawsuit; (ii) as necessary to protect our legal rights and legal rights of our members, business partners or other interested parties; (iii) to enforce our agreements with you; and (iv) to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud or other wrongdoing.

7. Your Rights and Choices

We want you to be in control of your information. Therefore, we want to remind you of the options and tools available to you:

Device permissions Mobile platforms can have permission systems for specific types of device data and notifications, such as phone contacts, pictures, location services, push notifications and advertising identifiers. You can change your settings on your device to either consent or oppose the collection or processing of the corresponding information or the display of the corresponding notifications. Of course, if you do that, certain services may lose functionality.

Uninstall. You can stop all information collection by an app by uninstalling it using the standard uninstall process for your device. Remember that uninstalling an app does NOT close your account. To close your account, please use the corresponding functionality on the service.

Account closure. You can close your account by using the corresponding functionality directly on the service.

Delete/erase. You may request that we delete the personal information we keep about you.

Correct/rectify/update. You can correct most information you provided to us by editing your profile directly in the service.

8. How Long We Retain Your Information

We retain your personal information only for as long as we need it for legitimate business purposes and as permitted by applicable law. If you decide to stop using our services, you can close your account and your profile will cease to be visible to other members. Please note that if you do not make any transactions for a year, we will automatically close your account. Once your account is closed, we will delete your personal information as follows:

- To protect the safety and security of our members, we implement a safety retention window of three months following account closure, or one year following an account ban. During this period, we keep your information in the event that it might be necessary to investigate unlawful or harmful conducts. The retention of information during this safety retention window is based on our legitimate interest as well as that of potential third-party victims.

- We maintain limited information on the basis of our legitimate interest: we keep customer care records and supporting data as well as imprecise location of download/purchase for five years to support our customer care decisions, enforce our rights and enable us to defend ourselves in the event of a claim, information on the existence of past accounts and subscriptions, which we delete three years after the closure of your last account to ensure proper and accurate financial forecasting and reporting, profile data for one year in anticipation of potential litigation, for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, and data necessary to prevent members who were banned from opening a new account, for as long as necessary to ensure the safety and vital interests of our members.

- Finally, we maintain information on the basis of our legitimate interest where there is an outstanding or potential issue, claim or dispute requiring us to keep information (in particular if we receive a valid legal subpoena or request asking us to preserve data (in which case we would need to keep the data to comply with our legal obligations) or if data would otherwise be necessary as part of legal proceedings).

9. No Children Allowed

Our services are restricted to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. We do not permit individuals under the age of 18 on our platform. If you suspect that a member is under the age of 18, please use the reporting mechanism available on the service.

10. Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, you have different options below:

Via email: [email protected]

Via Telegram: Join telegram [Redirect]


Onur MH. / Limon SK. / Balcova

