Towards the better

Cheet Learn Languages & Meet

Get to know different cultures and people with Cheet, improve your foreign language while having fun. Learn by hearing and seeing, without trying to memorize words or getting bored.

Premium features

Experience many features with Cheet premium and enjoy unlimited cheet. Some of our features are exclusive to our premium users. Discover unlimited, ad-free with Cheet Premium

Unlimited Messaging

Send messages to other users as you wish and message unlimitedly


Access all features of the maps, interact with other users as you wish

Auto Translate

Automatically translate messages into the language you want.

Unlimited Swipe

Swipe endlessly to make amazing friends.


Explore, have fun and learn unlimitedly with ad-free Cheet

Auto Translate

Automatically translate messages into the language you want.

App Screenshots

A picture is worth a thousand words


Start today

Download the App

If you want to learn a foreign language but can't, if you don't want to memorize, if you want to meet people from different countries face to face via video chat, download Cheet.